MorningStar Kingdom Business Administration

World Economics and Political Outlook 2012


Marc Nuttle-World Economics and Political Outlook 2012:
Marc wants to help us find our prophetic purpose, and how to prepare in a time such as this. He addresses the country's financial health--it's debt/equity ratio. He explains our country's debt reduction, how it relates to the world's economy, and what will happen if the right decisions aren't made in Washington. He encourages us to dominate our sphere of influence and tell those people about this matter--that these trends are unsustainable.

Chaortic Revival Part 2


Lance gave some key revelation for doing business supernaturally. He calls us to pray for help to align with the chaortic events coming, because the kingdom is drawing nigh. He shares five characteristics of the innovator who will thrive in the coming chaortic season, they are: 1) the ability to associate ideas 2) status quo questioners 3) the power to observe 4) networking 5) experimentation. What gets your attention, gets you. In Hebrews 12:26, the shaking of heaven and earth is a promise. We need to master our own state and learn to commune with the Holy Spirit.

Season of Sonship & 8 Hallmarks of Success and Failure pt 2


Gene Strite - Season of Sonship: Gene discusses the issue of an orphan spirit and how it hinders us from pursuing our call and destiny in Christ. If we're going to move into this season of being sons, we have to be proactive. What are you doing to prepare for the day when God calls you to a particular assignment? God is compassionate about making you reach your goal or your destiny but often you are the one standing in the way of reaching it. Many of us should be much farther ahead but because of fear we've been held back.