Rick and Daniel Kolenda discuss the ministry of Rev. Reinhard Bonnke. Daniel shares about his life as a fifth generation pastor and how God is using him to minister in Africa.
Rick Joyner shares prophetic experiences that occurred in the 1980s and 1990s which were a foretaste of what God will be releasing in these times. When we humble ourselves and remain free from bitterness, we will be able to step into a new level of prophetic gifting.
In this episode of Prophetic Perspectives, Rick Joyner is joined by this week's special guests, Lt. Gen. (ret.) Jerry Boykin and Kamal Saleem. Today the three talk about the new false ideology cropping up in America, Chrislam; as well as the dangers of Shariah Law being used in America.
In this episode of Prophetic Perspectives, Rick Joyner speaks about the need for more power and authority versus just having more resources. He reminds us about the difference between wealth and riches and that God has given our nation the ability to create wealth. The worst of times on this earth can be the best of times for God’s people.
In this episode of Prophetic Perspectives on Current Events, Rick and Lt. Gen. (Ret.) W.G. (Jerry) Boykin address the constitutional value of church and state and how misunderstood it has become by the modern church. We are desperate for an uncompromising leader and Lt. General Boykin gives David in scripture as an example of a courageous leader.
Revival is about to break out in America. The church is coming alive. God's glory is already beginning to come on His people. We need to honor what God did by recounting the miracles so we can prepare for what God is doing.