Feasting & Fighting
All Scriptures NAS unless otherwise noted.
All Scriptures NAS unless otherwise noted.
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture is from the New American Standard version of the Bible.
And it shall be said, "Build up, build up, prepare the way, remove every obstacle out of the way of My people" (Isaiah 57:14).
Satan’s ultimate goal is to populate hell. His greatest ally for accomplishing this goal is death. His most effective means for bringing about death is war. Instigating war in any form, between anyone that he can get to fight, is one of his most basic strategies against mankind. He views every war as a victory, and the most destructive ones as some of his greatest achievements. Just as Jesus is the Prince of Peace, Satan is the Prince of War.
A Call Beyond Church Walls,
A Call to Worship, A Call to Unity,
A Call to Prayer. . . In Every Place.
A Call Beyond Church Walls
It is encouraging to know that God often calls or speaks to men and movements more than once. He spoke to Abraham more than once, Moses and others more than once. Stephen’s great sermon recorded in Acts chapter seven is a summary of the continual moving of God throughout Israel’s history. Stephen points out how every one of the leaders sent by God were rejected the first time, but accepted the second time.
Significant events which take place in the natural often reflect what is happening in the spiritual realm. The Persian Gulf War is such an event. It is essential that we understand this war because the prayers of the church can be more powerful in effecting world events than all of the politics and weapons combined. Effective prayer moves God, and He is the One who controls the affairs of men. The following are a few of the natural parallels which I believe we should consider in relation to their spiritual applications: