
"Spiritual Hunger"


Josh Baldwin and Dave Fitzgerald lead worship with the songs "My Soul Sing" "Mighty to Save" and "Fall on Me." Todd Bentley shares about 'Spiritual Hunger' and explains how lives are changed when we have face to face encounters with the Lord.

Pack Your Tents


Don Potter leads worship and Beth Alves shares about the miracles she has seen. Then John Boneck speaks about the parallel between our generation’s experiences and Joshua & Caleb’s experiences in the years before entering the land of their promise.  Our generation has been through wilderness experiences, but God is now saying, “Pack Your Tents. We’re heading into the Promised Land. You are going to step into your powerful destinies.” Now we have to dust ourselves off, including the hurts that have hit us.

Released Into Service


Bill Johnson speaks about religion and how it teaches you that you have to become something to get given gifts. He says that grace creates an environment where everything can be healed while religion creates an environment where everything stays hidden below the surface. Jesus came to save us, not to destroy us.