Bright Ideas pt. II
Friday Afternoon Session
Realms of the Supernatural
Aaron Crider leads worship with songs including "You Reign" and "Hallelu." Todd Bentley teaches about the different realms of the supernatural. Todd imparts a hunger for deeper levels of discernment. The meeting concluded with a time of impartation.
The Importance of Fathers by Johnny D
Three People Raised From the Dead in Pakistan
Sarah McMillan, Andrew Williams, and David Vallier lead a sweet anointed time of worship: Todd Bentley brings the good news of the harvest in Pakistan where over two hundred thousand souls came to the Lord and three people were raised from the dead.
Intro to Redemptive Gifts pt. 1
Where We're At
Lance Wallnau - Where We're At: Lance shares a teaching about where we are today beginning with an overview of church history. From there he launches into where he believes we are going. We are now coming into what he describes as the church kingdom focus where heaven is coming to earth. But too much of the body of Christ has been focused solely on the spiritual. A religious spirit has operated in the church up till now and it has emasculated our callings.