Gary Webb | The Problem With Sir Galahad | October 19, 2023 9AM Session Part 2
Chuck Pierce | How Will You Rule in Your Harvest Field? | October 19, 2023 Evening Session
Rick Joyner | The Power of Prevail | September 23, 2023 Evening Session
Rick Joyner speaks about how God gives us the power to prevail. Just as God led the Israelites through wilderness before reaching their promised land, God can lead us through difficult times today...
Mary Anne Hardiman | Harvest in Your Field | September 23, 2023 Morning Session Part 2
Mary Anne Hardiman shares about the authority believers have to preach the good news of God’s plan for salvation. ...
Gary Webb | Labor with the Lord | September 23, 2023 Morning Session Part 1
Bill Johnson | Evangelism in Its Purest Form is an Overflow of Worship | September 22, 2023 Evening Session
Bill Johnson emphasizes the importance of remaining thankful to God even in tough circumstances and shares how even the toughest circumstances can be used to create something beautiful for God’s...
Bill Johnson | I will Be with You Always | September 22, 2023 Mornings Session Part 1
Bill Johnson speaks about how God will honor us if we first use our influence to bring honor to Him. ...
Tom Hardiman | Stop Preparing | September 21, 2023 Morning Session-Part 2
Tom Hardiman also shares how God can restore what has been lost and can use unlikely people in His plans for the harvest. ...
Gary Webb | Worship and the Harvest | September 21, 2023 Morning Session-Part 1
Gary Webb speaks about how God is preparing believers for the harvest at the end of the age.