School of the Spirit

School of the Spirit Service Video

Friday Night Worship


Tonight's School of the Spirit is a wonderful night of worship with Molly Williams, Sarah McMillan and Elizabeth Walker. Worship along with original music, anointed songs to the Lord, and the presence of His Spirit.

Friday Night SOS


Andrew Armstrong shares about how we can not approach God half-hearted and expect God to move in our lives.  We need to stop putting ourselves first and God second and start putting God first to do more than going through the motions of Christianity.  We need to start putting our hearts in order and let God into our lives.

The Coming Prophetic Company


Justin Perry spoke about the coming prophetic company. He talked about companies being raised up now who not only prophecy with encouraging words, but also reveal Jesus with their very lives, using the gifts God has given them.

Justin talked about how God is teaching us how to live in the spiritual realm, to prepare us for what is coming.

We want our lives to prophesy the coming of the King!