MorningStar Fellowship Sunday Services Video
Sunday Services
Worship & Intercession (2-19-2023 9AM)
Rick Joyner | Tell Them Who They Are - Part 9 (2-12-2023 11AM)
Rick Joyner continues his series based on a dream he had in 2020 when the Lord told him to “Tell my people who they are.” He shares photos and stories about the Knights of Malta. These were healers...
Kelanie Webb & The Fire Choir | Worship & Intercession (2-12-2023 9AM)
Justin Perry | Apostolic Authority & The Baptism Of Fire - Part 2 (2-5-2023 11AM)
Justin Perry shares part 2 of his message from Sunday, January 22, 2023. He reviews that message and shares more insight from the book of Song of Solomon about the wilderness experience and the...
"Youth On Fire" | Worship & Intercession (2-5-2023 9AM)
For the month of February, MorningStar Fellowship Church is meeting for the 9am service to worship and intercede together. MorningStar’s youth joins this main church service after the Youth On...
Justin Perry | Apostolic Authority & The Baptism Of Fire - Part 1 (1-22-2023 11AM)
Justin Perry shares a dream he had last May and distinguishes between our longing for heaven and a deeper groaning for glorification this side of eternity. He shares how both Jeremiah and Ezekiel...
Justin Perry | Apostolic Authority & The Baptism Of Fire - Part 1 (1-22-2023 9AM)
Joe Sweet | The Morning Star Rising (1-15-2023 11AM)
Pastor Joe Sweet from Lancaster, CA shares from Isaiah 60 that the glory of God that we’re seeking is in us. Christ in you, the hope of glory. He explains the relationship of God’s love and His glory...
Joe Sweet | The Morning Star Rising (1-15-2023 9AM)
Pastor Joe Sweet from Lancaster, CA shares from Isaiah 60 that the glory of God that we’re seeking is in us. Christ in you, the hope of glory. He explains the relationship of God’s love and His glory...