MorningStar Fellowship Sunday Services Video
Sunday Services
Mary Anne Hardiman | Signposts Along The Way (5-1-2022 9AM)
MaryAnne Hardiman shares about the importance of remembering what God has done in our lives and nation. She shares the remarkable story of the Hebrides revival.
Rick Joyner | Tell Them Who They Are - A Prophetic History Part 1 (4-24-2022 9AM)
Rick Joyner shares a dream he had some months ago and the insight the Lord recently gave him to its meaning.
Rick Joyner |Tell Them Who They Are - A Prophetic History Part 1 (4-24-2022 11AM)
Rick Joyner shares a dream he had some months ago and the insight the Lord recently gave him to its meaning.
Tom Hardiman | Thoughts For Today (4-10-2022 11AM)
Tom Hardiman shares from Ezekiel 38 and 39 and Zechariah 12 to give a better understanding of the times we’re living in as it relates to Israel and the promised land...
Tom Hardiman | Thoughts For Today (4-10-2022 9AM)
Rick Joyner | The Five Tests Of The Righteous (3-27-2022 11AM)
Rick Joyner shares insight on the tests presented to the children of Israel in the wilderness and how they are the same tests that we as believers must pass.
Rick Joyner | The Five Tests Of The Righteous (3-27-2022 9AM)
Rick Joyner shares insight on the tests presented to the children of Israel in the wilderness and how they are the same tests that we as believers must pass.
Dave Yarnes | 4 Keys To How To Never Be Dry Again (3-20-2022 9AM)
Dave Yarnes | 4 Keys To How To Never Be Dry Again (3-20-2022 11AM)
Dave Yarnes shares on how to never be dry in our relationship with God. He teaches on the keys to being a person of action.