Robin McMillan
Humility - The Way of the Lord
Robin McMillan teaches during the Level 2 Prophetic Conference August 20, 1998.
The Priesthood
Worship and Warfare III: The Power of Truth
Robin McMillan teaching during the Worship & Warfare III Conference April 15, 1998.
The Perfect Leadership of Jesus
Prophetic Prayer Culture & Five Wagon Revelation: Harbinger of Hope
Worship Intensive - Saturday Morning
Don Potter talks about how God used him to help make a breakthrough in Christian music.
Robin McMillan quotes Mark 14:3-5 and teaches about the woman who poured out the costly perfume worshiping Jesus extravagantly. She was immortalized in Scripture because it so touched Jesus' heart.
History of Revival
Fountain of Living Water
Rick Joyner teaches on how all things are summed up in Christ. Rick stresses our need to make Jesus the center of every truth. Robin McMillan shares on pursuing God as a 'Fountain of Living Water.'
Judah's Empty Throne
Robin McMillan teaches on why we praise God. Praise changes our focus and gets our eyes off of ourselves. Praise is the ultimate weapon against the enemy, and the weaker you are the more powerful the praise is.