Tom Hardiman

Going Higher


David Vallier, Amber Brooks, and CJ Hardee lead a comforting worship session with songs including "Ghost", "I'm Running", and "Light of Your Face". Tim Flachman speaks as the 10-minute speaker to give insights into how Christians need to pursue their destiny and not let themselves be pulled down or discouraged, and then Tom Hardiman shares his message about going higher in our lives, ascending to the Lord's side, and the battlefield of the spiritual realm.

Redemptive Clues in Cities


Tom shares that Jesus is in heaven still building His church and making fishers of men. The gates of hell will not prevail against it; and the blueprint of the church has victory stamped all over it. He tells us that we need to raise up armies that will take regions. He uses the story of building the Brooklyn Bridge to illustrate the spiritual building of cities.