Caitlin Rowland

What Belongs to God


Alan Keyes spoke about the fact that "we, the people" are the sovereign, made in God's image. We "render to God the things that are God's"----which is us. We belong to God. As such, we have the power, by following in the footsteps of Jesus, to help save America. We're in a unique time of destructiveness, but we have hope! II Chron. 7:14.

Ultimate Success


After a powerful time of worship with Molly, Jenny and Caitlin, Rick teaches some practical steps to attain "Ultimate Success." He uses the example of the circumstances around Lazarus' death and resurrection. He explains that we can touch the heart of God in such a way that brings Him joy. The Lord is "re-visioning" us this year by calling us to simplicity and moderation.