Cameron Sharp

Visions for the Youth


Bob and Bonnie Jones – Visions for the Youth – Bob saw this generation as firefighters, saving the nations from the fires of the enemy. He also sees this generation as the rain that brings forth the bountiful harvest. Bonnie further shares her vision of the youth carrying the fire of Christ to the world.

Andrew Armstrong – Andrew shares a dream about going back to the brook, a place of intimacy with God where only He can feed us. The brook is only a taste of the rain that God is going to bring during the drought.

Accidents into Awakenings


Sean Smith – Turning Accidents into Awakenings – Be the revival you are looking for. The best deliverers are those who have been delivered. Sean shares how Jephthah was born out of wedlock, but becomes a “mighty man of valor”.

Isaiah Saldivar – We have been pointlessly wasting our time on useless things such as TV and social media while only spending a couple of hours with God. How can we hope to achieve change in our nation without seeking God constantly. We MUST get intimate with Jesus.

CSCL Graduation


Graduation of CSCL:

Rick addresses the graduates and audience about the judgment seat of Christ and how we stand there guiltless because of what Jesus did for us. God’s justice is always laced with mercy. In Proverbs 24:16 it says we fall but we get back up and go on. We will make mistakes in life, but we can improve from them.

He Is Building His Church


The Lord showed Tom Hardiman earlier this morning that He was going to give keys to people today to help them unlock doors to victory over problems; especially oppression, discouragement, and depression. Tom gives answers to these problems in the message today. He learned, in the middle of an overwhelming oppression, to take authority over it and shares how we can too. He tells us God's word is fresh, alive, vibrant, and current and can set us free in the present; and that Jesus is trying to build endurance in us for a strong church body.