Food For The Heart
Cody White shares a ten-minute message on loving God, serving and finishes by saying works do not work.
Kamran then shares the main message on God being love itself - and having a personality just like you and I.
Cody White shares a ten-minute message on loving God, serving and finishes by saying works do not work.
Kamran then shares the main message on God being love itself - and having a personality just like you and I.
Jorge says the Missions office at Morningstar releases thousands of people into the nations around the world on short-term mission trips. Jorge shares some stories of adventures on those trips. Jorge says we need to have God’s word written on our hearts so that we can speak when it’s time and will know what to say. There is power in our perception and therefore in our reaction to the supernatural. We need to be lips of clay to speak the Father’s heart to encourage others.
Brad McClendon speaks on Jesus and inviting listeners to enter into a new found intamacy and relationship with Christ.