Faith That Overcomes

Faith That Overcomes

Hombre Liggett: Our nation was founded on Christian principles, and the body of Christ played the most essential roles. The founders of America believed in the blood of Jesus, and the Christian history of our country is a righteous cause that we are called to stand and defend.

Olivia Douglas, from CSCL, speaks a powerful blessing over the congregation from the Lord.

Bob Weiner: Faith to Overcome: Our faith in Christ moves mountains out of the way. Jeremiah 1:4-5--We are ordained and called by God. There are no excuses for not following God's will for our lives. Fear must be gone in the name of Jesus. Negative thinking produces hopelessness; therefore we have to control our thoughts. We are here to take territory for Jesus. No one can keep us from our destiny but us. Bob says, "Excuse is the skin of reason stuffed with half-truths." Using scripture, he teaches how to overcome the five excuses most people use for not walking in destiny.

Wed, Oct 26, 2011
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