Currency of Heaven

Currency of Heaven

Francis Frangipane - Currency of Heaven: The purchasing power of the kingdom of God is the revelation of Christ in us. Uniquely, in the context of us going through injustice, doors are open. Francis shares that each time a breakthrough came to him, he had to go through an offense first. Joseph handled his offenses the right way, and that's why he progressed the way he did. He says that heaven is tired of angry Christians on earth, because we have the example of Christ. We need to stop blaming someone else for putting us in a position so we can die to self.

Larry Randolph - Romans 8:29 means that God desires greatness for us. Larry highlights three aspects from this passage, which are: 1) God foreknew us: we were all a dream in God's heart before we were born. 2) God predestined us: God determined in advance the program or landscape of our lives for greatness in Him. 3) He conformed us: conformed means to squeeze, mold, or compress together under pressure as a potter does on a potter's wheel. We are predestined to be formed into the profile of Jesus, into His image.

David Herr - Ten-minute speaker: David shares three important things from a dream he had about the tower. 1) There are supernatural reasons why it's not progressing. 2) It's going to be much easier than we think. 3) A lot of people are watching, maybe all over the world.

Thu, Dec 29, 2011
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MorningStar TV Channels
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