The Glory of Christ

The Glory of Christ

10- minute speaker Rachel Updegraft, a nine-year-old CSCL student, illustrates to us how Joseph forgave his brothers and we also, in turn, can forgive.

Francis shares that we are coming to a time when everything that can be shaken, will be shaken. According to Daniel, knowledge will also increase. We should be aware of what the Holy Spirit wants to do in this hour. He shares a vision that God gave him when he was first saved. He was reading the Bible, and one night he had a vision of a city shrouded in darkness. The place look hopeless. The glory of Christ was radiating out of him and his Christian friends, and multitudes were coming to get saved. He tells us that the presence of the Lord has to be our single focus during this time.

Thu, Dec 29, 2011
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MorningStar TV Channels
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