Entering A New Season & Networking, Not Looking at Prospects But as People

Entering A New Season & Networking, Not Looking at Prospects But as People

Gene Strite - Entering A New Season: The season of laboring and striving for what you need or want is coming to an end. As a son or daughter of God, we are entering into an era of the supernatural, not just inside the church but outside on the streets and in the marketplace. You can't allow the things you hear to disturb the peace in your heart in this time and season when God wants to manifest through you.

Tim Flachman - Networking, Not Looking at Prospects But at People: A different type of networking...Tim shares about being a blessing to other people instead of seeing them as prospects to bless us. He asks, are we looking at how we can bless people and benefit others, or are we just looking at ourselves and what we can gain from them? He also talks about KBA for those who might want to join or start a chapter in their own area.

Thu, Oct 25, 2012
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MorningStar TV Channels
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