Watchman’s Journal Season 2, Episode 3:Enoch’s Message for End-Times Champions

Watchman’s Journal Season 2, Episode 3:Enoch’s Message for End-Times Champions

Description: Enoch saw the exalted “Lord of Glory” and glimpsed a victorious company of end-time champions. In this special episode of the Watchman’s Journal, Paul Keith Davis joins Michael Fickess to dive deep into Enoch’s life and message in a season when the Body of Christ desperately needs to re-discover its ultimate purpose.


Episode 3 Show notes: 


Key Scriptures: 


Genesis 5:21-24, 6:1-8

Hebrews 11:5-6

Jude 1:14-16, 6

Joel 2:26

2 Corinthians 4:6-7, 4:18

Zechariah 3:7

Colossians 1:15-20

Revelation 1:8, 4:11, 5:12-13, 12


Application Questions for Individual and Small Group Study: 


1. In this episode, Paul Keith calls the final generation the “Omega generation” because they will see some of the greatest promises of the Bible come to their total and final fulfillment.  Which of God’s promises are you most excited to see fulfilled?


2. How does prophetic insight strengthen our relationship with God or help us in times of turmoil or trials? Why is our access to the “unseen realm” of the Spirit especialy important today?  


3. What is the value of understanding and visualizing Christ as supreme, enthroned, and victorious over all?

4.  What is the value of practicing hiddenness in our prayer life or developing a “secret history” in our walk with the Lord?

5.  In this episode, Paul Keith paints a remarkable picture of Christ returning and demonstrating his total victory over every evil spirit and power of darkness once and for all. Why is it important to teach new believers about Christ’s soon and visible return to “restore all things?”

Tue, Feb 25, 2025
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