Oil Prices, Healthcare and the Economy

Oil Prices, Healthcare and the Economy

In the latest edition of Prophetic Perspective on Current Events, Rick Joyner speaks about the meltdown happening in the Middle East, and what impact this will have on our economy. With fuel prices through the roof, an ever-shifting job market, and an all around unstable world economy, how do we prepare for these drastic changes? We cannot operate off Marxist and socialistic principles of economics; these principles simply do not work – unless you are trying to impoverish a people. Without personal incentive and rewards, productivity drops significantly. Rick also tackles the difficult subject of Obama’s Health Care plans, how we are getting so far away from good sense (even just basic common sense), and what we can do to take action. However, our best days can certainly be ahead of us. We must start building a Kingdom economy with Kingdom currency; a currency of faith in the Lord with the greatest economic principle one will ever find – love.

Sun, Mar 13, 2011