Faith, Boldness, and Touching the Heart of God

Faith, Boldness, and Touching the Heart of God

In today’s episode of Prophetic Perspectives, Rick Joyner re-caps Monday’s program with special guest, Bob Weiner. Rick encourages us toward faith and bold action as he re-counts some testimonies of extraordinary faith that Bob has displayed throughout his years of ministry. Stories such as the time the Lord directed Bob to write a new constitution for Russia that he was able to hand deliver to Boris Yeltsin!

Rick also shares about the TheCall Detroit that took place on 11.11.11. He shares about the significance of God’s people gathering together to touch the Lord’s heart. On this momentous day, tens of thousands cried out to the Lord for Detroit, Michigan, and the nation. They touched His heart and His presence was manifest in a powerful way. Many prophetic Christian leaders over the years have said that the prophetic destiny of Michigan is key to the destiny of our nation. As goes Michigan, so goes America. God’s standard of judgment is not always based on the degree of wickedness as much as it is the degree of light that has been rejected. Anointed, prophetic proclamations were made on 11.11.11; we are called to be salt and light and should always speak blessings and not curses. Proclamations made under the anointing are powerful and their impact far-reaching.

Wed, Dec 7, 2011