Faith That Pleases God

Faith That Pleases God

Bob tells us to expect to reap the harvest that is our inheritance. The Kingdom of God is going to advance, no matter what is happening in the world. He leads everyone in praying for the gift of faith; so that everyone in the world will have a chance to hear the word of the Lord. He tells us to throw off condemnation, guilt, and anything else that keeps us from fulfilling 2 Thessalonians 2:14 in our lives. He reminds us that we are justified and righteous by our faith.

Amanda Jewelburg has heard from the Lord since she was two years old. She's still learning to recognize His voice speaking to her everyday. She reads from I Kings 19:11 where Elijah heard the Lord's voice in the still small voice. She encourages us to listen for different ways that God will use to speak to us.

Fri, Dec 2, 2011
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MorningStar TV Channels
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