Another Japanese Earthquake Coming and Currency Values

Another Japanese Earthquake Coming and Currency Values

In the most recent Prophetic Perspectives on Current Events, Rick Joyner elaborates on coming earthquakes, including additional ones coming to Tokyo, northwest and southern California, and the toll these events will take on the world. Rick shares that there will be some areas that will be protected even in the midst of destruction. However, we must make physical preparations. Food and water storage are highly important, as water will become a great need. Rick continues by expounding on how out of touch our leadership is with the economy. No one is investing in the American dollar, and the Euro will be even worse. While economic unraveling and temporary chaos seem inevitable, the light will ultimately cast out the darkness. Our country was built on sound biblical foundations. We must return to those principles and the Lord as a nation. Though these times are darkening, this is one of the greatest opportunities for revival the world may have ever seen.
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Tue, Apr 12, 2011
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