Returning to Our Nation’s Roots

Returning to Our Nation’s Roots

This week on Prophetic Perspectives Rick Joyner is joined by special guest, Lt. Gen. (ret.) Jerry Boykin who was one of the elite warriors chosen in 1978 to make up the first unit in America's ultra-secretive and deadly Delta Force. He then became commander of the unit, and later still, commander of all U.S. Army Special Forces. His thirty-six years in the military included a tour at the Central Intelligence Agency and clandestine missions around the world. Jerry retired in 2007, serving his last four years as the deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence.

Today, Rick and Lt. Gen. (ret.) Jerry Boykin wrap up this powerful week by discussing returning to our nation's roots; faith in God. A third great awakening is coming and America will be restored to a mighty nation once again. Every great revival has begun with repentance. Repentance and turning away from wickedness is what will heal our land. When everyone else is bowing down to the lies of the enemy, we must stand for truth. It is critical to put people with strong values into public office. When we are sincere about changing our ways, the Holy Spirit will lead the way, leading us into all truth!

Thu, Jun 14, 2012