What Happens In Egypt With Mubarak Gone? & Ruckus In Wisconsin...Collective Bargaining Or Not?

What Happens In Egypt With Mubarak Gone? & Ruckus In Wisconsin...Collective Bargaining Or Not?

Is our current world situation the beginning of Armageddon? The start of a true democracy movement in the Middle East? What do these current events mean for the world? In this edition of “Prophetic Perspectives on Current Events”, Rick Joyner shares timely views on two major issues; the turmoil in Egypt, and the stirrings in the Midwest. Isaiah 19 clearly addresses the situation in the Middle East. We have to open our mouths and call upon the Lord for help – He will respond to us. There will be a victory in Egypt, but the people must turn to Him. Rick then addresses the situation in the mid-west, regarding public service unions, and how these stirrings threaten the basic fabric of our democracy. We cannot be tossed about by the ever-changing media. Instead, we must search out these issues to understand the true facts. We have to know the truth by searching out the facts, but we must seek the Kingdom first.

Mon, Feb 28, 2011