He is Building His Church, Part 2 (Part 1 - Jan. 22)

He is Building His Church, Part 2 (Part 1 - Jan. 22)

Tom Hardiman teaches that we have been called out of the darkness of this world to be a part of what God is building today. Part of what He is building is the church. Part of our purpose is to work along side the champion over this world. There are scriptures that are ready and being unfolded in the hour in which we live. The manifold wisdom of God will be displayed in and through the church. For such a time as this you and I have been created.

There are also things like the restoration of The Tabernacle of David that will unfold. Part of this is 24 hour prayer and worship. There are those willing to have a dedicated consecrated life to maintain a 7 day a week 24 hour prayer and worship. This will provoke nations to jealousy. They will be drawn into the house of God.

Ten-Minute speaker Nathan Scott teaches that we can know God in many different ways. He comes to us in the way we need Him. Knowing Him as Father releases the supernatural identity of who we are. When He speaks, the power of His words, supernaturally fulfill His words over us.

Sometimes we forget who we are. We are the temple of Holy Spirit. The mystery of the ages is Christ in you the hope of glory. You are absolutely loved and valued so much God wants to live inside of you. You carry Him with you. God created you to be His carrier of Truth into the world.

Sat, Mar 10, 2012
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