He Who Has Ears, Let Him Hear

He Who Has Ears, Let Him Hear

Tom tells us if we know what's in Jesus's heart, we can know more about what He's doing. In Matthew 5, when He preaches the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus was changing attitudes from the Old Testament and enlarging some of the principles. He addresses some of the concepts faced during that day. Jesus illustrates a life of stability in times of difficulty by building our house on the rock, not sand. He appeals to people from His care and concern for them, encouraging them to order their lives on the principles He's teaching. In the present, Tom says we need to make sure we are hearing what God is saying today. We need to find those 'selah' moments, which means to take time to ponder and meditate upon the Word of God; trying to hear personal application, and adjusting to what the Spirit is saying specifically to us.

Bill Nesmith speaks about the HarvestLight new plan in Savannah, GA. The Lord sent he and his wife to Savannah because He wants to bring freedom there in 2012. He tells us of HarvestLight's plan to connect with the people there. His wife, Chris, encourages us to be working in the body where the Lord has us to serve.

Sat, Nov 19, 2011
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MorningStar TV Channels
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