Tebow and the Gospel

Tebow and the Gospel

Rick speaks about the witness of Tim Tebow during NFL football games. It was suggested to his mother that she abort him; and she refused, even though she risked her life to do so. He was well-known for putting John 3:16 under his eyes during games; although, currently the NFL won't let him do it. During a recent game with Tebow in it, however, circumstances revolved around the numbers 316. What followed was the single biggest witness of John 3:16 and of the gospel in history. Therefore, Rick believes a harvest will come from it. Later, he shares about the current Republican candidates and the upcoming MorningStar Ministry Team (MMT) training.

Al Wood - Ten-Minute Speaker - Team Work: Al shares that we have to be in the right position to work as a team and for the team to be successful. We also work best as a team when we have a strong leader who everyone can follow. He uses the example of Dr. Martin Luther King to illustrate strong leadership with a team concept.

Sat, Jan 14, 2012
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