Molly Williams

Post Election Message


In this message Rick Joyner talks about the outcome of the most recent U.S. Elections and how America is facing a valley of decision.  America has chosen to be a nation without God through the decisions we have made.  Our country is need of a great awakening now more than ever.

It is time to eliminate everything in our lives that is not of Christ. There will be a seperation of the wheat and the tares as part of the Great Harvest that is coming. The wheat is bowed down in humility, may we be found in the same manner.



Costly Anointing


Suzy Yaraei, Sarah McMillan, Molly Williams and Paulette Wooten lead worship with songs including "Walk Around My House" and "The Saving Hymn of Jesus." Denise Goulet teaches about entering the promised land, and trusting God's voice. Denise encourages us that we already have the authority to bring change in our lives, even though we still ask God to change things for us.

"What Has God Said"


Molly Williams and David Vallier lead worship with songs including "Never Close Your Eyes," "I'm in the Fold" and "Son of Man." Jason Hooper teaches a powerful message from II Chronicles 20, about holding to the promises of God. The service ends with a time of worship and declaration.

"Just Show Up"


Molly Williams, Amber Brooks and David Vallier lead worship with songs including "Like You Promised," "Never Close Your Eyes" and "Open Heart." Lance Wallnau teaches a strategic, insightful message about becoming activated and empowered to take ground.

Father's Day


Robert Rummage, the 10-minute speaker, draws lessons from Nehemiah for effective prayer in accomplishing our God-given assignments.

Tom Hardiman gives a powerful Father's Day message that reveals the gentle and faithful love of our Father in heaven.