Watchman's Journal Season 2 Episode 4:Unveiling the "Hidden Mysteries" of the Lord of Glory

Watchman's Journal Season 2 Episode 4:Unveiling the "Hidden Mysteries" of the Lord of Glory

In this second episode of our Enoch series with Paul Keith Davis and Michael Fickess, we examine Paul's references to the "hidden mysteries" God has in store for us and take a deeper look at why we are seeing an acceleration of supernatural activity on earth as we approach the end of the age.


Episode 4 Show Notes: 


Key Scriptures: 


1 Corinthians 2:6-16

Genesis 6

Deuteronomy 3

Matthew 24:37


Jude 1:14-16

Matthew 13:37-39

Luke 20:35-56

Revelation 5:1-5, 10

Daniel 12:9-13

Daniel 7:9-14

Hebrews 6:5

Deuteronomy 29:29

Matthew 17:1-9



Application Questions for Individual and Small Group Study: 


1. In this episode, Paul Keith Davis describes an increase in demonic activity and an increase in the gifts of the Spirit in God's people.  Why is it important for believers to see both sides of this coin as they discern our times?  


2. Read Isaiah 60:1-3.  How does this scripture connect to the decade of the 1940s as Paul Keith describes it?  How does this scripture apply to us today?


3. Scripture promises that some of the "hidden mysteries" God has prepared for us are greater than we can even imagine (see 1 Corinthians 2:6-10).  What signs, wonders, or manifestations of the Spirit are you looking forward to the most as we anticipate a "greater glory" in the Bride of Christ?

4. Why is the promise of God's people ruling and reigning with Him preferable to the kinds of human government we see on the earth today?  


5. Why is a close relationship with God essential to overcoming in these times?  What can you do this week to cultivate a more vibrant life of prayer?

Tue, Mar 4, 2025
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