Vincent Hardy | The Power of Full Participation | March 20, 2025 7PM
A teaching and activation on how to really engage in different types of worship. ...
A teaching and activation on how to really engage in different types of worship. ...
Keys to prophetic worship & intercession from the book of Acts, applied to today’s Church.
Kelanie teaches on the spiritual foundations of prophetic worship and ways to activate that in your own life.
Tom Hardiman expounds upon the blessing of sight in the kingdom, and prays God would give us eyes to see, and lift limitations and veils.
Pastor Gary Webb takes us on a journey through Scripture to show who/what Leviathan is, how it operates, and leads us in prayer to cut all ties we may have made in agreement with it.
Rick Joyner references the livesof King Saul, King David, and the earthly ministry of Jesus to examine the distinction between genuine spiritual authority and its counterfeit, witchcraft. Rick...
In light of current events regarding the judicial system, Rick Joyner explores historical happenings and their application for the church.
A biblical overview of the nature of the fight between good and evil, followed by a look at recent revival history, and an invitation to prayer and action.
The first Adam populated the earth. The second Adam populated the heavens, and in Him we can be born from above and bring heaven to earth.
A Biblical overview of the new breed of bold and courageous leadership The Lord is raising up in the se last days, with observations from current events and insights from Scriptures like john 17,...