Rick Joyner

Getting Ready - The Great Commission, Part 14
Properly Joined - The Great Commission, Part 13
Worth The Price - The Great Commission, Part 12
Ukraine Crisis Part 2
The Ukraine Crisis and the Russian takeover of the Crimea continue to dominate the attention of the world and will likely have a big impact on world affairs for the future. It is not the first time this has happened with Crimea. To understand the present crisis and its potential impact on the future, a study of the impact of the Crimean War of 1853-1856 should be done. One of the main factors of this war was the conflict of the religions in the region, which will prove to be a major factor for the present conflict as well.
Ukraine Crisis Part 2
The Ukraine Crisis and the Russian takeover of the Crimea continue to dominate the attention of the world and will likely have a big impact on world affairs for the future. It is not the first time this has happened with Crimea. To understand the present crisis and its potential impact on the future, a study of the impact of the Crimean War of 1853-1856 should be done. One of the main factors of this war was the conflict of the religions in the region, which will prove to be a major factor for the present conflict as well.
Promoting Koinonia - The Great Commission, Part 11
Ukraine Crisis
I would like to share with you a report from Kiev from Charles Chandler, Assistant Editor for Decision Magazine for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.
Hi Everyone,
I thought I'd give a quick update before going to bed. We arrived in Kiev late afternoon here and literally "hit the ground running."