Molly Williams

Contemplative Union


   Father Mark shares about who we need to become to be  tied with Christ and not drift off from the Harbor of Safety that the Lord has given us. He prays for breakthrough for the people.  He then speaks about how in everything we do we need to do it with Jesus and not just go to Him when we are in need of his help. We need to take time out of our lives and just spend time with Him.

The Lord's Dwelling Place


Hombre Liggett – Ten-Minute Speaker: Hombre tells us that we need to stand up for our God-given liberties in this country. We need to boldly be salt and light in our culture and occupy until Christ returns.

Rick Joyner - The Lord's Dwelling Place: We are the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit. Rick encourages us to seek to be the best place for the Lord to dwell in. Rick believes the Lord will bless things that He won't necessarily inhabit. We need to get past just seeking His blessings and seek Him. Are we growing in our fellowship with Him?

How to Hear the Voice of God and The Generational Mandate to Fulfill the Great Commission


Beth Alves shares how to pray and hear from God in ways that fit who you are and how He made you. You can know the voice of the Lord.

From his personal experiences, Jorge Parrott explains how God directs our paths miraculously, allowing us to fulfill profound destinies at our mature age. Then he prays a powerful commissioning prayer for the 50+ers.

Season of Sonship & 8 Hallmarks of Success and Failure pt 2


Gene Strite - Season of Sonship: Gene discusses the issue of an orphan spirit and how it hinders us from pursuing our call and destiny in Christ. If we're going to move into this season of being sons, we have to be proactive. What are you doing to prepare for the day when God calls you to a particular assignment? God is compassionate about making you reach your goal or your destiny but often you are the one standing in the way of reaching it. Many of us should be much farther ahead but because of fear we've been held back.

Women Called To Action


In this message, Bonnie Jones begins by sharing some of her testimony.  She gives examples from the history of women in the church and the Bible to show some of what the calling of women is today.  Bonnie speaks about a revealation she recieved from God recently about how women today are called to be midwives and intercessors for the current move of God in the church.


Kingdom Breakthrough


A powerful time of worship is lead by Girls Out Loud including the songs, "Walk Around My House", "Come Thou Fount", and "Change". Todd Bentley teaches on Kingdom Breakthrough and explains that it is important to have a Breaker Annointing to release your personal gift and calling. The night ends with words of knowledge and prayer for healing.