Molly Williams

Currency of Heaven


Francis Frangipane - Currency of Heaven: The purchasing power of the kingdom of God is the revelation of Christ in us. Uniquely, in the context of us going through injustice, doors are open. Francis shares that each time a breakthrough came to him, he had to go through an offense first. Joseph handled his offenses the right way, and that's why he progressed the way he did. He says that heaven is tired of angry Christians on earth, because we have the example of Christ. We need to stop blaming someone else for putting us in a position so we can die to self.

Redeeming the Song


Ray says that our individual DNA has our unique song in it, and the enemy tries to steal that. We were created to worship and if we don’t do that we are abandoning what we were created for. Artists are the ones who shape cultures, giving future generations an understanding of the time. God’s creativity for this has no parameters, and we need to set the standard of what the songs should sound like

Faith Filled Words and Reversing your Misfortunes


Bonnie Jones discusses forgiveness and overcoming bitterness.  She leads people in speaking to mountains of unforgiveness and overcoming them. 

Leigh Valentine talks about the power of God and about how we need to listen to what God is telling us to do before we do anything.   She also shares about how God can turn around your misfortunes.