Molly Williams

Prophetic II


Rick talks about the gifts of discernment, prophetic and what to do with our revelations. He talks about the importance of being in a place of authority before you share your insights.






Revelation Knowledge and Healing / Power and Authority


Todd Bentley discusses healing. He prayers for people with certain illnesses, and also anoints cloths for people to take to the sick.

Bill Johnson talks about stewarding what you’ve been given and it will increase. Whatever it is that we host, that’s what will be released in the atmosphere where we walk. We have been given the privilege to host the Lord.

Fred and Donna Hoover


Fred Hoover shares a teaching with great depth on King David, King Solomon, anointing and wisdom.

Tom Hardiman then speaks briefly on having a relationship with Christ above works and accomplishments.  "Our own personal life with Him is what matters the most when meet our maker."

Donna Hoover follows the first two speakers by teaching we are on a "Titanic" in modern times - and as Christians we are called to not go down with the ship.  We are a Kingdom that cannot be shaken!