The State of the Ministry
Rick Joyner talks about the past, present, and future of the church and how to be prepared for what is yet to come.
Rick Joyner talks about the past, present, and future of the church and how to be prepared for what is yet to come.
After being lead into the pressence of God with Julie Joyner's worship, Debbie Anthony opens with "People of Purpose", sharing
In this conference session, Rick Joyner and Bob Jones encourage the congregation to be bold and love others.
Rick Joyner gave his word for the KBA Conference. Then, Dr. Kyle Loveless, Linda Fields, and Bill Pavelich shared their various presentations.
David Vallier, Suzy Yaraei, and Molly Willams lead worship with the songs "Furious" "Praise is Beautiful" and "Change." Rick Joyner shares on the coming year and the significance of the number '11'. Lance Wallnau teaches on how we must steward the fields God has given us for the sake of the kingdom.
Rick Joyner – Prevailing In Our Time: To deal with the time we’re in, we have to do kingdom business. Heroes of the faith were usually business people. For the coming harvest we’ll have to walk in the high ground; being seated with Christ in the heavenly places. Jesus calls us to walk in the same authority He walked in on the earth. We get to enter the kingdom however the door we must go through to get there is tribulation. Even so, the prepared will prosper in every situation. The only principles that are going to work will be kingdom principles.
Lt. Gen. (Ret.) W.G. Boykin shares a breakdown of current nations and world leaders that pose a potential threat to the future of America. Rick Joyner and General Boykin finish with a Q & A session with the conference guests.
Rick tells of God’s movement in current events. He also teaches from Proverbs 31 and encourages women to use the gifts that God has given them not just in the home, but also in business.
Julie Joyner shares inspiring stories of women who made their mark in the world through great courage and love.