Rick Joyner

Mobilizing for the Last Day Move of God
Kelanie Gloeckler and David Vallier lead worship; Rick speaks on seeing the city God is building, how to see this city, and how we are called to be the army of God.
Healing the Land
Rick Joyner talks about different types of healing. He discusses healing the Land when there is a curse on it. Certain things bring curses on Land and we have to learn how to heal the Land.
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"How To Crush It in 2010"
Lance Wallnau teaches about his concept of living at "Level 10." Lance teaches the importance of knowing your calling, and being excellent in you field, while living under the Lord's presence. Rick Joyner Addresses various questions regarding Lt. Gen. (Ret.) W.G. Boykin's recent messages.
Sons of Issachar Pt.1
Rick Joyner shares briefly on the current prophetic and the history of the prophetic at MorningStar.
Joe Shrewsbury continues Rick’s introduction to the Sons of Issachar and their place in our present times and it’s place in koinonia.
A Word for 2011
Rick Joyner shares a powerful message on relationship and what's coming this year in 2015.
A Call to Women & The Ugly Duckling
Rick encourages women to understand the authority and strength that they have.
Donna Hoover tells the tale of the ugly duckling and relates parellels between the story and incedents that are common in women's lives.
New Year's Conference-Thursday AM 12-29-11
Rick Joyner - 2012: Rick shares that God showed him Romans 12:1-2, and that we will know how critical this is during 2012. Unfortunately, only about six percent of born-again Christians have a biblical world view. Surely, everything we've built our lives on in this world will fall apart. We have to be transformed in our minds. He encourages us to know the kingdom and its purposes; and our minds need to be transformed so we can see the will of God. A true bondservant will seek to please the Master, and that is the lifestyle of a disciple.
KBA Conference Friday November 4, 2011--Roundtable 2--4th Session
Roundtable 2--Bruce Cook, Gene Strite, Elizabeth Braswell, Richard Fessler, Marc Nuttle--Business:
During this roundtable, Bruce Cook opens by saying people are starting more businesses because of more layoffs. Home businesses comprise 15% of all startups. Capital improvement projects and survival are popular topics in this economy. The scripture shows God moved the greatest and showed Himself strongest to the entire world during hard times. The audience is encouraged that God wants to demonstrate His spirit moving through them.