Prepared for the Harvest Pt 2
After an intercession worship session, Rick Joyner continues his teaching on Harvest preparedness.
After an intercession worship session, Rick Joyner continues his teaching on Harvest preparedness.
Kamal Saleem – 2013 Year of Transformation: We are living in the days of deception, and because of that, many nations are rising up to destroy Israel. In 2011, God told Kamal that He was separating the church from the world. Kamal tells us that God is removing His government away from the world and putting it in the church. The year 2013 will be a year of the glory of the Lord and the church will bless the nations.
Rick Joyner – Rick tells the audience that we need to be devoted to the kingdom. The time for harvest is near and we need to prepare for it. He shares that Morningstar is positioned to have a major impact in the nations for the harvest. He also encourages us to stand on sound doctrine.
Bobby Conner - Bobby encourages us to make sure we understand that the gospel is simple and not to make it complicated. He says God is searching hearts these days to see who is going to go further with Him; that all are called but few will come. God is wooing us to spend time with Him.
Leonard Jones, Amber Brooks and Molly Skaggs lead worship with the songs "Beautiful," "Surrender" and "Strong Tower." Rick Joyner teaches about nine principles of warfare, and how applying these principles can help our daily walk with Jesus.
Kevin Freeman and Rick Joyner share about the current economic war that is being waged against the United States.
Rick Joyner welcomes women to the conference and tells of the importance of women in all aspects of life. He encourages them to be leaders in all aspects of life.
Mary Anne Hardiman spoke briefly about women going where no man has gone before. She tells her personal story of enmity with the snake.
Hombre Liggett shares that America is a miracle from God, and we as believers have to recognize this. The signers of the Declaration of Independence were called by God to do what they did. In the atmosphere of the Great Awakening, our founding fathers were born and raised.